
For an overview of what has changed between versions, see the changelog.


  1. Check which version of Fastview you are upgrading from:

    >>> import fastview
    >>> fastview.__version__
  2. Upgrade the Fastview package:

    pip install --upgrade django-fastview
  3. Find your version below and work your way up this document until you’ve upgraded to the latest version

Upgrading from 0.0.3


Viewgroup permissions are now managed through View.config and the dict shortcut.

For example, change the old permission dict:

class BlogViewGroup(ModelViewGroup):
    permissions = {
        "index": Public(),
        "detail": Public(),

to an explicit .config() call, or a shortcut view configuration dict:

class BlogViewGroup(ModelViewGroup):
    index_view = views.ListView.config(permission=Public())
    detail_view = dict(permission=Public())

They can still be set directly as permission on class definitions.

See permissions for more details.


The internal structure of Fastview’s modules has changed:

  • Renamed fastview.groups to fastview.viewgroups

  • Renamed fastview.views.generics to fastview.views.generic

Upgrading from 0.0.1

No changes required